
10th English Qs/As                                                                                                             
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                         10th English all chapters Qs/As

  Hazrat Muhammad(SAW) an Embodiment of Justice

Q.1 How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life?

Ans: People can achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life by  following the Holy Prophet(SAW) s’ life as a role model.

Q.2 How did the Holy Prophet(SAW) set high and noble ideals for all mankind?

Ans: The Holy Prophet (SAW) set high and noble ideals for all mankind through his  practical examples.
Q.3 How were people of Makkah convinced of the Holy Prophet’s justice even before his      Prophet Hood?

Ans: The people of Makkah were convinced of the Holy Prophet(SAW) s’ justice even before  his Prophethood because he practically proved that no one could be more just and  equitable than the prophet of Allah   
Q.4 What standards of justice did the Holy Prophet practice as head of the state of  Medinah?

Ans: As the head of Madinah state, he decided all cases on merit with justice and equity.

Q.5 What made non-Muslims bring their suits to the Holy Prophet?

Ans: The Holy Prophet(SAW) decided their cases as per Non- Muslims’ laws and they were   also impressed by the justice of the Prophet of Allah. So they brought their cases to the  Holy  Prophet(SAW).
Q.6 How does the Quran describe the personality of the Holy Prophet?

Ans: The Holy Quran describes the personality of the Holy Prophet(SAW) thus:
“We have indeed, in the Messenger of God, a good example for anyone whose hope is in  God, and the Final Day.”


Unit.2 Chinese New Year

Q.1 When does Chinese New Year start?
Ans: The Chinese New Year starts between January 21st and February 20th.

Q.2 Why do Chinese families do thorough cleaning of their houses before New Year’s Day?
Ans: The Chinese families clean their houses thoroughly before the New Year day in order  to clean the bad luck of the last year and to make the houses ready for the good luck  of the coming year.   

Q.3 Which colour is not allowed and which colour is encouraged on Chinese New Year?  Why?
Ans: On the New Year day wearing black colour is not allowed as it is associated with  death whereas wearing red colour is encouraged due to its association with warding off bad  spirits.

Q.4 What do decorations on doors and windows symbolize?
Ans: It symbolizes the arrival of the spring season and new beginning of the year with  luck  and happiness.

Q.5 What is the significance of New Year’s Eve Dinner?
Ans: It is of utmost significance for Chinese families to prepare eight to nine dishes for  the  New Year s’ Eve dinner as in Chinese language the word ‘eight’ means prosperity and  word ‘nine ‘ means long lasting.

Q.6 What do the little red envelops filled with money symbolize?
Ans: It symbolizes wealth and prosperity for the coming year.

Q.7 What is the importance of Chinese New Year for Chinese families?
Ans: It is very important for the Chinese families to gather on the eve of New Year. They pay  thanks the past year

Unit.3      Try Again

Q.1 What is the lesson taught in the first stanza?
Ans:  The lesson we get is that we should never lose hope but go on trying again and again.  Success and failure do not matter in this world. The real success is  continuous  struggle.
Q.2 What can we learn from failure?
Ans:  We learn that we should be stead fast in our life. We should face the failure manfully.

Q.3 How is failure not a disgrace?
Ans: Failure is not a disgrace. It is a first step to success. Failure gives us courage and  strength to face the hardships of life.

Q.4 How many times should we try and why?
Ans: We should go on trying till we succeed in life.

Q.5 What should we do if we find our task hard?
Ans: If we find our task hard, we should try again and again.

Q.6 Give an example of struggle from your life?
Ans: Once I failed in the final exams of 9th class. I really worked hard and got success.

Unit.4                                                         First Aid

Q.1            You should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped? Why?
Ans:     When bleeding has stopped we should not keep checking the wound because this practice            damages the clot forming which helps stop bleeding and bleeding may resume.

Q.2            Why is it necessary to keep soap away from the wound?
Ans:     The soap may irritate the wound so it is necessary to keep the soap away from the wound.

Q.3            How is an antibiotic cream or ointment good in healing the wound?      
Ans:     An antibiotic cream or ointment cannot heal the wound but it fastens the natural healing process and keeps the surface moist.

Q.4            What should you do if you are allergic to adhesive material used in most bandages?
Ans:     If one is allergic to adhesive material, one should use adhesive free bandages in place of it.

Q.5            When do you need to see a doctor?
Ans:     When the wound is not healing or the healing process is very slow, or there are the symptoms of irritation or redness around the wound, we should see the doctor.          

Q.6              What should your first aid kit consist of?  
§  Ans:     It must be consisting of:
o   First aid book
o   A pair of scissors
o   Bandages
o   Calamine lotion
o   A pack of cotton roll
o   Thermometer

o   Pain killers tablet                                                               

Unit. 5                                                                      The Rain
Q.1            What does the poet hear?    
Ans:    The poet hears the sound of the falling rain on the leaves of the tree. He is enjoying the     musical impact of the falling of the rain drops on the leaves.                                                                       
Q.2            What according to the poet is a sweet noise?         
Ans:    According to the poet, the noise of the falling rain is a sweet noise.

Q.3            What will happen after the rain stops?      
Ans:    After the rain stops, the sun will shine brightly.        

Q.4            How does the sun come out after the rain?            
Ans:    The sun will shine well; it will enlighten the whole of the sky equally.        

Q.5            How does the light fill the drops?   
Ans:    The light will instill a new vigor and life in every dark round drop. 

Q.6            What makes the scene lovely?                                                                                       

Ans:    The beautiful rainbow will make the scene lovely.

Unit. 6              Television Vs Newspapers

Q.1  How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news?

Ans:  Newspaper is a more convenient medium of news because it is easy to carry anywhere and we can read it whenever we like to read. We can omit the news that are interest-less for us and also we can read the news of our choice.

Q.2   How does a viewer get restricted while watching TV News?

Ans: TV news are broadcast at a certain time and TV is not a portable thing. So to watch and listen the news one has to be present at a certain place at an exact time. In this way a viewer is get restricted  while watching TV News.

Q.3  In what way viewing news on TV is easier than reading a newspaper?

Ans:  Reading newspaper requires much mastery of language whereas this mastery of language is not necessary while watching news on TV.

Q.4  How do Newspaper give us more in depth coverage?

Ans: Newspapers give us more in depth coverage through editorials, expert opinions of the viewers, columns, and also through the feedback of the readers.

Q.5  Why do some people read more than one newspapers?

Ans:  Some people read more than one newspapers to have different viewpoints  about the news and to check the validity of the news.

Q.6  How can readers give feedback to the newspaper articles?

Ans:  By writing to the forum pages, readers can give the feedback to the newspaper articles.

Q.7    Which medium do you prefer for news? Why?

Ans:  I prefer to read newspaper because it is easy to carry anywhere and I can read it when I have leisure time.

Unit. 7            Little by little one walks far

Q.1 What are some distinctions of the writer?

Ans: The writer during summer vacation did different jobs and got a lot of experience.He participated in different programs at district level.He was also an active participant in co curricular activities.

Q.2  How has the writer spent his summer vacation?

Ans: During his summer vacation, the writer worked to help himself financially in a boarding school, D.K Academy and McDonald.

Q.3 What has he gained from his summer job experiences?

Ans:  He got mental maturity and and practical experience for his future jobs from his summer job experiences.

Q.4 How are these experiences helped to him in future?

Ans: He was not worried about his future now , he was only looking for it.

Q.5 What kind of student is the writer? Which of his qualities impress you?

Ans: The writer is very hardworking and versatile student. He learns the first rate knowledge to make progress in life. His passion to work impresses me a lot.

Unit.8                                  Peace

Q.1 How is wind described in the first stanza?

Ans: In the first stanza, the wind has been described as a monster that roars and smashes every thing which comes onto its way while passing through valleys and vales.

Q.2  With what wind is compared in the first stanza?

Ans: In the first stanza it has been compared with the monster of destruction

Q.3 What is wind doing to all men s' work?

Ans: It rakes all men s' work.

Q.4  How does the scene look like when wind is still?

Ans: When wind is still, there is peace every where. When it whispers with the soft leaves of the trees, it leaves a soothing effect in the ears.

Q.5  What comparison is made in the second stanza?

Ans:The destruction caused by the wind has been compared with stillness and tranquility.

Lesson.9 Selecting the Right Career
Lesson 10 A World Without Books